Sagauli Agreement

The Sagauli Agreement, signed on March 4, 1816, was a treaty between the British East India Company and the Kingdom of Nepal. This agreement marks an important milestone in the history of Nepal as it ended the Anglo-Nepalese War, which had lasted for over two years.

The treaty was signed at Sagauli, a small village in the Terai region of Nepal, by General David Ochterlony on behalf of the British East India Company and Raj Guru Gajaraj Mishra and Chandra Sekhar Upadhyaya on behalf of Nepal. The treaty was ratified by the British Governor-General of India, Lord Hastings, and the Nepalese king, Girvan Yuddha Bikram Shah.

The Sagauli Agreement had several provisions that heavily favored the British. Nepal lost a significant amount of its territory, including the entire region of Kumaon and Garhwal, to the British. The treaty also forced Nepal to pay a large amount of war reparations to Britain over a period of fifteen years.

One of the most significant consequences of the Sagauli Agreement was the establishment of a British residency in Kathmandu. The British resident played a crucial role in shaping Nepalese foreign policy by influencing the decision-making of the Nepalese king.

The Sagauli Agreement also opened up Nepal to trade with India, allowing British merchants to establish trading posts in Kathmandu. This led to increased economic activity and a significant influx of Indian goods into Nepal.

Despite the unequal terms of the treaty, the Sagauli Agreement marked the end of the Anglo-Nepalese War and brought a period of relative stability and peace to Nepal. The treaty laid the foundation for British influence in Nepal, which continued for over a century until the country achieved full independence in 1947.

In conclusion, the Sagauli Agreement remains a crucial event in the history of Nepal. Though it was an unequal treaty that heavily favored the British, it brought an end to a devastating war and paved the way for increased economic activity in Nepal. The treaty remains an important reminder of the complex geopolitical forces that shaped the history of South Asia.